How to Point Your Domain Hosted at Free Cloudflare to Another Hosting without Changing NameServers

THE PROBLEM: Free Cloudflare doesn’t support custom nameservers. THE SOLUTION: Use cname flattening to point the domain to the right server The process itself is pretty straightforward: You create a cname record for the apex domain and set an existing domain or sub-domain as its content, the keyword here is “existing domain or sub-domain”. You […]

How to Fit Vertically a Wide HTML Table in Mobile Displays with 5 Lines of Code

We often need to display a wide table with many columns on mobile and the content doesn’t legibly shrink into a vertical screen. This feature orders your table content vertically using CSS only and works with all browsers. For this example, we’re going to use a table with smartphone data: HTML code below: <table> <thead> […]